Can Guest Pinner be an actual paid career?

Thursday, January 24, 2013
So, I get so excited over the smallest and geekiest things!  I had applied this summer to be a Guest Pinner for WeAreTeachers and they contacted me about two weeks ago and asked me to "Pin " for them.  I geeked out for a bit and asked my husband if he felt any differently now that he was married to a Guest Pinner:)  I chose to "pin" on Social studies with a strong focus on gaming and interactives.  It was so fun to spend some time searching for the perfect five to seven sites I wanted to share with the world (or more specifically the 2,000 people who may or may not actually look at their Pinterest account).  By the end of the week it was hard coming up sites and I maybe stretched it a bit (okay.... I posted a video from Youtube on the last day; it got 26 repins).  I really enjoyed the experience and it did remind me how much I love teaching teachers as well as the kiddos.

The geek in me is loving this!


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