I don't know about anyone else but I was devastated when the photo editor Picnik shut down. I have a lot if photo editing software and apps but that was just my go to for making fun stuff, especially at school. To replace it, I have been experimenting with PicMonkey and so far....great.
As a photo editor it is massive. It has tons of filters, additions, etc. What I love, though, is the fun stuff. We were having an antibullying week at school and in our advisories we needed to decorate our door with the theme of "acceptance". I took a picture of each of my kiddos and shared it with them on Google Docs.
We then uploaded them to Picmonkey and the kids used the Halloween features to distort their faces. They have enhancer a that add features of witches, goblins and more.
There are paid features but the free ones were just enough. We then put these on our door and titled it, "Love us for what's on the inside, not what's on the outside!".
Does anyone out there have a go to photo editor for kids? Let us know!!!
I've linked up with one of my favorite blogs, Technology Tailgate for their Techie Tuesday Link Up.

Head on over if you are looking for other fabulous tech suggestions!