The Murders in My Classroom Continue

Crime Scenes in the Social Studies Classroom #socialstudies #inquirymindset #bostonmassacre #activities #kids #lessonplans

Every classroom benefits from these two purchases:

So, in the weeks before the holiday break, my kiddos walked into this.....

I you are a reader of my blog, you will recognize this as an activity I did last year on the Boston Massacre.  Read about it here! For those of you that followed along last year, do you love my new tablecloth?  Bloodier than last year's window clings and I get to use it again and again.

My eighth graders were so excited because they saw the set up of this last year.  They did such an amazing job!!!  These kiddos are champions of textual evidence and totally would have gotten those British soldiers off in a court of law!

If you are interested in using this in your classroom, click here for the resources and click here for the video website.


  1. This is AMAZING!!!! It's probably too advanced for my 6th graders, but you did an awesome job on this! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I teach science and social studies and I think you are a rockstar!!

  3. I teach 5th grade and I am doing this tomorrow. :)

  4. This is amazing! I'm a first year history teacher and this is one of the best resources I've found. I can't wait to use this!! Thank you!
