BrainPop, Class Dojo, and Notetaking

Right before vacation I did this little activity that wowed me with how well it worked.  We had just finished up Egyptian pharaohs and I wanted to give Cleopatra her own time but not too much.  I turned to my favorite standby of BrainPop and I identified 14 facts that should go into notes.

First we set up our note book for notetaking.
(The kids were so mad I made them cut her in half!!!)

I told the kids that I had identified 14 important facts and I was going to give one Class Dojo point for each fact they identified that matched my list.  I had them do this on scrap paper and we watched the video three different times.  These kids worked hard because they knew they were going to earn a lot of Dojo points for their Olympic team.
OMG... I was so impressed with how well the kids did.  I put up a list of my facts and most students were able to match 10 or more!  Students then used their and my notes to create a final draft in their note book and i walked around the classroom giving them the Dojo points they earned.  Also, they absolutely loved the idea that Cleopatra's life is portrayed like a soap opera!  I really love when a small activity has students really work on an amazing skill!


  1. Hey Hey again from ClassDojo :) loving the tie between the Olympics and the tool! Clever ;)

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  3. You are using Class Dojo in the most creative ways. I love it! I just wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. You can check out the nomination HERE 

  4. I need to find your blog post on how you use class dojo in your room. I'm wanting to start using it, but I keep thinking it's too much for ME to do as a behavior management system?????


    1. When I use it, I use it as a challenge. I spend a lot of time watching and recording so I use it for short period of time with a definite goal and an end. Here was my first challenge Now they are earning a movie day:)

  5. Love this!!! Where is that cute foldable from??

    1. I made it! This summer I'm going to spend some time making a freebies page:)
