Tech You Can Use Tomorrow: Live Webcams

Quickly and easily transform your classroom with live webcams! Turn your elementary and middle school classroom into an aquarium, transport your students to the Space Station, and hang out with grizzly bears playing in the water. These are great to support informational text units! #informationaltext #techintheclassroom #livewebcams

Hey all!  In my new job as an integration technology specialist, I go into a ton of classes!  As I travel across the district my goal is to inspire kids and teachers to just add something small to their days to create engagement.  For me, engagement means that students want to be in a classroom and if they want to be there they will be open to learning. 

I'm going to start a regular series where I give you a simple little tech tip that you can easily roll out in your classes on Monday and they will get you and your kiddos excited!

Week 1: Live Webcams
The other day I showed teacher the power of live webcam and they couldn't believe they had never thought of it.  A live feed is a 24/7 video feed of anything but I have teachers focusing on live feeds of animals and places.

Imagine launching a unit on the solar system and the students walked into the class to this on the projector:

Or imagine doing an informational text unit on penguins and while the students were doing their research this was playing on the projector:

Adding a webcam to any lesson or unit makes the content come alive and is so simple to incorporate.  I have come up with a list of some of my favorite webcams so click here to see how you can add these to your classroom!

To be honest, sometimes I just put the live webcam on to make me happy so right now I'm going to leave you with some fun brown bears..... because, well.... they are adorable.

Join Me On My Journey to Engagement!

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