YouTube Editor in the Middle School Classroom....simple and free!!!!

I know that my posts tend to be a bit too detailed and long winded (sorry.... It's the liberal arts major in me... Write what you know... Give plenty of detail... Make them think they were there! Ha!). I'm going to try to do some BRIEF posts on some of my new favorite edutech over the next couple of weeks.

First up, YouTube video editor! That's right... You can now edit keep on Youtube as well! What does does this free and amazing service have to offer?

1. Access to clips you have uploaded to YouTube


2. Copyright free music and ability to upload your own

3. Transitions

4. Add text to the beginning, in between videos and pictures and over videos and pictures.

5. Cut clips, slow them down or make them longer.

6. And my favorite.... In the basic editor, after you upload, you can blur faces!

My world language teacher has used this with the kids and she said it went very smoothly. It has actually become her student editor of choice. We have access to YouTube in our school but our kids do not have access to upload so our school Google God started a class login for me and all kids can login using the one password.

I'll be using this in a couple of weeks when I make se In Plain English videos, so I'll let you know how it works it. Here is a demo I made..... And it was sooooo easy! Enjoy!




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