High/Low Linky Party

I am tired and ready to go to bed but its 6:56.  Maybe I'll convince the boy that we should cuddle in bed and watch TV.... and maybe Mommy will close her eyes..... and snore just a little bit.  Here is my High/Low contribution for the month.  Click on the picture to link on up!


  1. Took my 6 year old niece and my three year old nephew to see the Easter Bunny t an orchard today. It really made me miss my own babies who are 19, 17, 13, and 13 now. Enjoy your little ones. ~Stacy @ http://new-in-room-202.blogspot.com

  2. My son just turned three this month. He is the baby and it is going by way too fast!! Enjoy her birthday:) I know what you mean by sickness too. That would have been my low of the month too but something else happened that trumped it:(
    Fourth Grade Flipper
